Who is Kaiser Soze?

A very good question. Who is Kaiser Soze? Well, that would be me. And if you know otherwise, well, you're probably right.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

An ingenious failure

Well, today was interesting. The goal was for me and Cooper to go to Billings and visit Willow's alternate personality. We figured how hard could it be? We'll drive up there as a surprise. First problem is we don't know where the house is, so we drive to what we think is it, decide its not, call friends, find out it is, then go back. Imagine our surprise when we get there and find no one at the house. Oh, easy to rectify. The magic of cell phones. No answer. Try again. Nothing. Call friends, looking for address of new house(where family might be) or name of bar(owned by parents). Get nothing. Begin to browse the phone book, looking for a name which is familiar. Get nothing, again. Drive around town, checking remotley correct seeming bars. Go firgure. Call local man, Jake. Ask for help. Make a few attempts, get nothing. Go and eat lunch, then one last stop at the house, complete with two notes. One short, one indecipherable for the most part. One last, all events inclusive message on the phone, that it is back home, a couple hours after we arrived. We made a stop in Laurel for cheap gas, lost ditch call. Get her father at home, but she is in limbo. Then on to Columbus, where we stop for a rest stop. Call the cell. Finally get through, talk for a long time, leave, and plan on returning(maybe). Darn you Murphy.


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