Who is Kaiser Soze?

A very good question. Who is Kaiser Soze? Well, that would be me. And if you know otherwise, well, you're probably right.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Me thinks that I have lied

I now have contrary evidence to my statement about the title of the poem mention below. It seems to be titled both ways. Oh, well. So much for jumping to conclusions.


At 5:20 PM, Blogger J.M.R. Burgard said...

Further evidence shows that in fact I may not have lied. I was thinking the poem's other title was not what it really was, which left with thinking I had lied, when in fact it has not been conclusively proved either way.

At 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liar! Liiiiaar!
{Quiet, witch!!}
I'm notta witch, I'm yer . . . um . . . billiards partner!! Yeah!

And, y'know, since you googled me and found my blog . . . you obviously still look at it every once in a coon's age (what the heck is a "Coon" btw? does it mean "Raccoon"? Someone told me it was racist . . . what's so racist about a raccoon??) so you might be pleased to know . . .I ACTUALLY POSTED SOMETHING TODAY!!

Yeah I know. Please don't die of shock. At least not 'til after your birthday. 'Cause then you won't get your toaster. How sad.

Guess Who


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