Who is Kaiser Soze?

A very good question. Who is Kaiser Soze? Well, that would be me. And if you know otherwise, well, you're probably right.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Not Tandari

So I was recently looking through all my blogs (I have about a dozen). Some I update regularly, and others, particularly recently, have not been touched, this being one of them. The thing is, I do not believe anyone reads this, yet I am posting. Maybe someday, someone will come across this, and begin to explore, but until that day . . .

And I'm in a good mood, so I might as well say things of no point.

yeah God.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


You are a

Social Conservative
(33% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(36% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating

This may latter be posted on live journal.

I seem to be right on top of the Pope. Odd. :p

Monday, June 13, 2005


You scored as Yoda.





Obi Wan Kenobi


Anakin Skywalker


Clone Trooper


General Grievous


Padme Amidala


Mace Windu




Darth Vader




Emperor Palpatine


href="'http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id="34136'">Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

'Cause I can

I'm posting here because I've used of my quota at L.J

People may think of you as being mystical, but you can also kick butt.  Your civilization is the Celts; perhaps it is that you prefer roving chiefdoms over a rigid empire, or maybe
People may think of the Celts as being mystical,
but they also kicked butt. Perhaps it is that
you prefer roving chiefdoms over a rigid
empire, or maybe you just enjoy the fancy knot

What is your ancient civilization?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, April 04, 2005


I haven't posted here in quite sometime. Sorry to anyone who actuall reads this (I fell you are few). I have another blog thingy (13 at present count :) ) here.

So enjoy, or not, or whatver (if you actually exist).

Friday, March 18, 2005


What is the name of a company that specializes in building brick courthouses?

(For answer see comment)

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Œdshailimbar / Mbarœdshail

Proof I have a little philiogical blood in my vains: I was reading "The Road to Middle-Earth" and came across the phrase "A wilderness of Dragons" which had the ambiguity of meaning either a wilderness full of dragons or a group of dragosn (i.e. a muder of crows). I decided that I should write a story revolving around the concept that a group of dragons is called a wilderness. So at the moment there are to things to this world: their word for a group of dragons and a blessing. Yeah.

On a side note it took me quite a while to come up with the title of this post. I'm still not sure which word is correct, though either probably works. Because Tandari is a preliterate tongue there is no word for Philology as we know it, so I created it from the merging of early versions of word and dear, the literal root of Philology. The issues is then whether the it should be head-compliment or compliment-head. I favor the Compliment-head arragement of the second form, Mbarœdshail. It works either way, though.