Who is Kaiser Soze?

A very good question. Who is Kaiser Soze? Well, that would be me. And if you know otherwise, well, you're probably right.

Friday, July 30, 2004


So yesterday I went to the free carnival we had at church(and I would have posted yesterday if my brother had ever let me have access to the computer. . .) at I have two questions: 1, why can I have a five minute conversation with a man I recognize but I have no idea who he is and at the same time easily rocognize another guy(who happened to be introduced to me at least twice) but he did not recognize me. But he did sing well. 2: What ever possessed the people in charge to serve popcorn in Barf Bags? It was scary.

And on another unrelated note, why do authors choose to write in the present tense? I understand that form follows function, so present fits when people role-play, but when its a book in a series that occurse before the rest of the books? It is funny, though. All the reviews on the book happen to come from a completly different book in the series(which happened to be written in past tense). Anyway, happy trails!


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