Who is Kaiser Soze?

A very good question. Who is Kaiser Soze? Well, that would be me. And if you know otherwise, well, you're probably right.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Today's Events

Well, today was a little more interesting than usual, but that is not all together a good thing.  We spent the day up at our cabin on Ennis Lake and on our way back we came across an accident that had just occurred on Norris Hill.  We had two cars, so the one carrying the Eagle Scout stopped to provide aid and what could while the other car kept going until we could get cell reception and call 911.  After completing the call we turned back because my sister had taken a semester of first aid so she was going to help if necessary.  If you are unfamiliar with Norris Hill, the road is three lanes, two going uphill and one down.  What had happened was two sets of cars were driving past each other on the most outside lane and both of the cars in the back decided to pass at the same time, which unfortunately meant they hit each other head on.  The cars then spun out of control and went of the road and both ended up fifteen to twenty feet down the hill.  Each car only had one person in it, and both sustained pretty heavy injuries.  The smaller of the two cars was burning when we returned from placing the call.  Needless to say, when, later this evening, we were driving up Kagy towards the east and a car in the left turn lane decided to continue driving straight and nearly smash into us it was quite interesting.


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