Who is Kaiser Soze?

A very good question. Who is Kaiser Soze? Well, that would be me. And if you know otherwise, well, you're probably right.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Another one. . .

Should I feel bad about making yet another blog, because I don't. Actually, this new one stalemateworld.blogspot.com is intriguing me more than most. Go check it out. I think I'm going to have fun with this. :P

Friday, November 26, 2004

This is intriguing. . .

You scored as Catholic. Welcome to the One, Holy, CATHOLIC, and Apostolic Church!
You my Friend are a Catholic.
You have a strong sense of something outside of yourself and feel drawn to answer profound questions to satisfy your desires. You recognize that truth isn't self-centered or about inventing something new, but rather following the road map of your heart to a bigger picture. You are probably baptized.













created with QuizFarm.com

So, um, when did I become Catholic? Interesting quiz, seemingly inacurate.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

One more. . .

Your a Gryffindor! Brave, loyal, adventurous and
funny your all about living life to the
fullest. You have a bunch of friends whom you
are totally devoted to and would do anything
for. You do pretty good in school, and are easy
to get along with.

Hogwarts Sorting Hat Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

Bored. . .


?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, November 22, 2004

How sad. . .

I was very dissapointed in the entertainment columnists. In all the articles I read about Sponge Bob, not once did the author choose to refrain from a sponge pun. From soaking up the profits to an absorbing film they were all just bad.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Talking about myself again. . .

I think I have just completly changed the main theme of one of my works. It was originaly going to deal with Death and Fate, but it seems that Order vs. Chaos is a stronger position for this work. It's found at fatalminutes.blogspot.com if you are interested.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Horribly Random

Can anybody tell me what form the sentence "Your Kingdom come" is? It's not really a suplicant form(i.e. Please help me) w/ no subject, but it also isn't correectly structured otherwise(i.e. "Let Your kingdom come" or "Your kingdom will come"). If anybody knows it would be greatly appreciated.

Can I sue George Lucas? Please?

I just finished watching the entire Documentery that came with the Trilogy DVD and have to say it is quite anoying. I now have this urge to create and it will eat up all my time. That's not very nice Mr. Lucas. Okay, rant is now over(for the moment, at least, anyway).

Monday, November 15, 2004

Something to think on

A simple question: Does God love the devil? Feel free to answer, I'm kind of curious what you all think.


So far, I have to say life is cool. Yeah.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

From last night

This is something I wrote last night:

During the second World War the Allied Forces were drawn from over a dozen nations, each unique, yet they still all fought against a common enemy under one commander.

Today we are in an army standing before our King, but instead of an Army of War we are an Army of Love, united by a common God.

Friday, November 12, 2004

And for this. . .

I have no idea what the title of this post means. However, I am having fun anyway, so there :P All lack of productivity on my part is blamed on part of a book I'm reading(so it's only three(really two with change) pages long; so what?). Yeah, so it's not my fault.

Monday, November 08, 2004

A note:

I have no completed primary writing. All that is left is editing, which will take a long time. Oh, well.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Out of Character

This was orignally intended as a slightly more serious blog then some of the others, so for the moment I am going to state a short and serious statement.
I hate being lied to, and I seriously don't like being misunderstood, particularly when the person could really care less about the truth. If you would like to know more, feel free to ask me, but it kind of feels good to vent a little. And now I go to talk to God.