Another one. . .
Should I feel bad about making yet another blog, because I don't. Actually, this new one is intriguing me more than most. Go check it out. I think I'm going to have fun with this. :P
A very good question. Who is Kaiser Soze? Well, that would be me. And if you know otherwise, well, you're probably right.
Should I feel bad about making yet another blog, because I don't. Actually, this new one is intriguing me more than most. Go check it out. I think I'm going to have fun with this. :P
You scored as Catholic. Welcome to the One, Holy, CATHOLIC, and Apostolic Church!
You my Friend are a Catholic. You have a strong sense of something outside of yourself and feel drawn to answer profound questions to satisfy your desires. You recognize that truth isn't self-centered or about inventing something new, but rather following the road map of your heart to a bigger picture. You are probably baptized.
Religion created with |
I was very dissapointed in the entertainment columnists. In all the articles I read about Sponge Bob, not once did the author choose to refrain from a sponge pun. From soaking up the profits to an absorbing film they were all just bad.
I think I have just completly changed the main theme of one of my works. It was originaly going to deal with Death and Fate, but it seems that Order vs. Chaos is a stronger position for this work. It's found at if you are interested.
Can anybody tell me what form the sentence "Your Kingdom come" is? It's not really a suplicant form(i.e. Please help me) w/ no subject, but it also isn't correectly structured otherwise(i.e. "Let Your kingdom come" or "Your kingdom will come"). If anybody knows it would be greatly appreciated.
I just finished watching the entire Documentery that came with the Trilogy DVD and have to say it is quite anoying. I now have this urge to create and it will eat up all my time. That's not very nice Mr. Lucas. Okay, rant is now over(for the moment, at least, anyway).
A simple question: Does God love the devil? Feel free to answer, I'm kind of curious what you all think.
This is something I wrote last night:
I have no idea what the title of this post means. However, I am having fun anyway, so there :P All lack of productivity on my part is blamed on part of a book I'm reading(so it's only three(really two with change) pages long; so what?). Yeah, so it's not my fault.
I have no completed primary writing. All that is left is editing, which will take a long time. Oh, well.
This was orignally intended as a slightly more serious blog then some of the others, so for the moment I am going to state a short and serious statement.