Who is Kaiser Soze?

A very good question. Who is Kaiser Soze? Well, that would be me. And if you know otherwise, well, you're probably right.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Writing. . .

So, this is what happens when you don't have access to the internet and are trying to keep up a variety of Blogs. Yeah. . .so. Anybody interested in reading this? Nope, okay then. I go.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

I'm baaack!

I'm here, and now I'm gone. I am home for a moment, but a short moment it shall be. It has been delightful, but I must go now. *And like that, he's gone*

Saturday, August 14, 2004

This is it. . .

I'm going now. Good-bye.
Okay, so not really. I'm just entering a state of time in which all access to the internet will be limited(until we get internet) so posts will be sporadic and random. Kind of like the way they have always been. Yeah.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

A Writer on Writing

Today I realized what irritates me most about this(being writing on a blog): I cannot, in any real way, edit. I can read over what I've written once or twice and make minor edits, but most of my creative formats and ideas take a couple of days to ferment. I may edit my previous posts, but no one will re-read them so it is largely pointless.
Also, I really think one person who shall go unnamed should publish at least one thought on the blog which this person runs, because I really enjoy this person's thoughts on the subject of the blog. The last post was around July 9th.

That is so Cool(and freaky)

If you look at the adds at the top of this page they will have something to do with one of my recent posts. It's cool that they can do something like that, but freaky in the amount of information they can glean. It currently speaksa about Seven Samurai, as I mention that in a complaint earlier. Now, I will attempt to change it:
Lord of the Rings is cool. Fellowship of the Rings is Cool. I like Aragron. FRODO LIVES! Return of the King. Ring. Lord. Sam. Merry. Pippin. FRODO! FRODO! (BOOM!) *Stunned Faces* (Etc). Narsil and Aragron, Gandalf and Sauron. Ring, Lord of the.
So lets see if this works.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


I am going to steal a quote I heard today: "It is a wonderful thing to have friends who know you well enough to say 'Knowing you. . .'" I could not agree more.

Monday, August 09, 2004

A thought

I'm sure you all have heard the phrase "It's not you, it's me," whether it was used on you or on one of your friends or just in a movie. I have a question about that: If it is the person saying this(to me let's pretend) and the relationships ending has nothing to do with me, than she(the speaker) could never have a lasting relationship, as it is always her. Either that or she is lying to me, and really is at least partly my fault.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

The Stars

I spent most of my waking hours today at Sweet Pea. The last band tonight was described as "Latino ska-funk-rock" and while others were down dancing I remained back at the blankets, watching the stars. The first thing that came to mind was that it was the stars that made the Silvan Elves choose, alone of all the elves, to remain behind in Middle-earth while the rest travelled to Valinor(though all did not arrive). Tolkien clearly saw something in the stars. The next though was, why does Harry Potter take astronomy class? What does that have to do with being a wizard? What they learn about astrology in divinition is not only bunk, it is also totally different than astronomy. Anyway, I'm just confused.

Friday, August 06, 2004

And now it's time for . . .

Sweet Pea! Okay, so I'm spending much of my weekend in the middle of a park doind absolutely nothing. What a glorious weekend it shall be. My family is all ouy of town, so I really have nothing to do but go to Sweet Pea. And not work. That is critical, the not working part. Anyway, I'm sure I'll see some of you there, more likely than not before you read this, so I'm sure I've seen some of you there. Yes, well, anyway. On to Sweet Pea!

Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Whether authors acknowledge it or not, almost all books have a strong amount of wyrd in them. By wyrd I mean fate, providence, destiny, etc. Otherwise most stories would simply be characters wandering around. I happen to believe though, that one of the traits of good writing is the ability to hide the wyrd, to make the coarse of events seem to be plausibly normal. Few authors can achieve this, and it gives their works wonderful re-readability.